CKN Q&A: The Human Brain

Since the dawn of man, very little has been known about the human brain, aside from the obvious fact that it is filled with bees and mystery. Today, through the miracles of modern science, people have been able to remove all those bees and all those mysteries and lay them out for the world to see.

Circus Killer News sat down with Dr. Eugene Merrill, a leading brainologist at the University of Southern Fresno, and asked him about that mysterious pink orb that we all fantasize about.


CKN: What are the primary functions of the brain?
Merrill: The brain’s primary function is being a pillow for your skull, but it can also step in as attorney general from time to time.

CKN: How long will a brain keep usually?
Merrill: About three days, but it can last up to a week if you store it in the fridge.

CKN: Where is the brain’s pleasure center?
Merrill: I know it’s near the top, but honestly, there’s so much going on in that whole region, I try to avoid it altogether.

CKN: Whose brain is this?
Merrill: I think it’s Kevin’s, but I don’t know.

CKN: Are all brains as sexy as they appear in the movies?
Merrill: I try not to notice those sorts of things.

CKN: Can I get my brain replaced if there’s something wrong with it?
Merrill: Yeah, I’m pretty sure you can get them on Amazon.

CKN: Tee hee hee, what is, like, hee hee, the naughtiest thing that a brain has ever done, tee hee?
Merrill: There is a brain in Wales that is capable of thinking about butts whenever it wants.

CKN: Can I survive without my brain?
Merrill: Many Americans do.

CKN: Can people really be left-brained or right-brained?
Merrill: This is a common misconception. Brains are not distinguished by predominant usage of the left hemisphere or the right hemisphere. Rather, they are distinguished as being either an innie or an outie.

CKN: Is “The Man with Two Brains” worth a watch?
Merrill: I don’t know. I’ve never heard of it.


Written by J. S. Wydra

DISCLAIMER: Circus Killer News is a faux news blog. None of the stories on this site should be taken seriously or literally.

President Trump Battles Oncoming Asteroid

Hours ago, NASA confirmed that an asteroid the size of North Dakota is on a collision course with Earth. Experts are saying that the object will make impact with our planet in twenty-six days unless the world’s brightest and bravest can figure out a way to change the asteroid’s trajectory, or find a way to break it up into smaller, more manageable fragments.

President Trump has been crucial in strategizing America’s asteroid defense initiative. The President first proposed building a wall around the planet that Mexico would pay for, but experts are saying that they won’t be able to get it up in time. Trump then suggested giving the asteroid hush money to make it go away, but the President’s bribery fund has run dry due to his marital failings. Next the President suggested throwing paper towels at the asteroid, but astronomers believe that this would only make the asteroid angrier. Still, President Trump is determined to save his country.

Trump has been tweeting insulting things about the asteroid in an heroic attempt to demoralize it, but so far his tweets have not fazed the space rock, which makes this the first time that the President’s tweets have had no destructive effects.

Scattered reports suggest that NASA is working on a top-secret program called “Project Orange,” which will corrupt the object’s integrity from within. If the rumors about Project Orange are to be believed, then NASA will soon lure President Trump into a space shuttle by loading it up with things he loves – such as Oreo’s and pictures of white people – and then blast the President into space and instruct him to manage the asteroid like one of his casinos.


Written by J. S. Wydra

DISCLAIMER: Circus Killer News is a faux news blog. None of the stories on this site should be taken seriously or literally.

KILLER ADVICE: How Do I Change The Thingy?

Be it luck or fate, you have just stumbled upon ‘Killer Advice,’ the highest-ranked web-based advice column on the internet, according to a recent kidnap victim. Every week we take questions from commoners like you, and have them answered by uncommoners like the staff of Circus Killer News.

Today’s question comes to us from Carol Burkowski, a stay-at-home mom in Reddingham, Pennsylvania. She writes…

“Dear Circus Killer News,
My son and his friends were using the TV to play on his Xbox earlier today. Every time he does this he has to switch the thingy on the TV so it’s a different HTMI or something, and I can’t figure out how to make the TV go back. We have four different remotes in our house and I don’t know what button to press to make the thingy come up. Normally my son does it but he’s at basketball practice, and then he’s going to his friend’s house for a Nintendo. I’m really desperate because the Kids Halloween Baking Championship on the Food Network is tonight and if I miss it then I won’t have anything to talk about at brunch tomorrow. If you could walk me through how to switch the thing on the TV then I would really appreciate it.”

There are a few steps to solve this problem, Carol, but fortunately they’re all very easy. The first thing you need to do is figure out which remote is for the TV. The best way to do this would be to grab all your remotes and expertly juggle them around in the air. As you’re doing this, close your eyes and focus on whichever device in your house you want to control. If you concentrate hard enough, you will lose control of the corresponding remote and it will land on your head. This is the preferred method among professional channel surfers.

You could also try microwaving all your remotes. The way a remote control works is that there is a tiny radioactive isotope that links the remote and the device with a unique radiation signature. If you put your remotes in the microwave for a few minutes, the isotope will start glowing. Hold your freshly cooked remote up to its corresponding device, and that device will glow the same color. If it’s the wrong device, however, then the two will start to fizz and melt, and could explode if it’s a Samsung product.

The last best way to identify which remote is for which device is to simply look it up on the internet. Play each remote next to a different potted plant and expertly sketch out the scene to make a perfect still art masterpiece. Fax the artwork directly to the head office of any online search engine and ask them what each one is for. If they fax you back saying that all of them are for converting carbon dioxide into oxygen, then fax them back another set of remote drawings, but this time draw a bunch of arrows pointing to the remotes so that they know what you’re talking about.

Switching your television’s input is easy now that you know which remote is for the TV, but unfortunately the court order that forces the CKN staff to write this advice column states that we only need to put in 500 words a week, so you’re on your own.


Written by J. S. Wydra
DISCLAIMER: Circus Killer News is a faux news blog. None of the stories on this site should be taken seriously or literally.

Meteorologists Predict Unusually Depressing Winter

Meteorologists across the United States are reporting that this winter is going to be more depressing and disappointing than usual, and could potentially be the most melancholic winter in recorded history.

“We’ve been tracking all sorts of trends,” says Dan Grenowitz, a meteorologist with the National Weather Institute. “By our estimates, this is shaping up to be the saddest, loneliness winter we’ve ever seen.”

Grenowitz says that much of the nation can expect to face record low levels of self-esteem over the next few months, while other areas can expect up to five inches of malaise every week. He recommends that cities start preparing for unprecedented downfalls of woeful dread that could hit as early as mid-November.

“We might even start seeing sadness in parts of the country that almost never get sad,” says Grenowitz, “but the global climate is shifting, and winters in America are just going to keep getting more and more sorrowful as the years go on.”

Many Americans are gearing up as best as they can for an unusually despondent winter, but many still haven’t recovered from last year’s record-breaking ennui.

“I can’t even imagine a winter more depressing than last year,” says Mercedes Plaith, a Pennsylvania native whose house was damaged last winter by a devastating amount of misery and despair. “We just finished redoing the roof from all the dreariness we got last February, and now they’re saying it’s going to be even worse this year. Someone needs to do something.”

Grenowitz says that the National Weather Institute is trying to develop new methods for detecting dread and despair that will give locals more time to prepare and evacuate in the event of an oncoming melancholy.

“We’re still years away from where we need to be, in terms of detection,” says Grenowitz. “Even my therapist says we should just give up trying.”


Written by J. S. Wydra

DISCLAIMER: Circus Killer News is a faux news blog. None of the stories on this site should be taken seriously or literally.

The 5 Strangest Places That I Have Found A Faberge Egg

Ever since I was a boy, I have been finding Faberge Eggs in the strangest of places. Some would call this a power, others would call it a curse. I just call it annoying. Here are just 5 of the dozens of places that I’ve found Faberge Eggs.


In A Pizza Box – I ordered a large plain pizza from my favorite pizzeria, Uncle Nicki’s Old Style Cheese And Beef Cartel. The delivery man arrived two and a half minutes later with what I assumed was my delicious hot plain pizza, but after I paid for it and opened the box, I found naught but a priceless green Faberge Egg encrusted with diamonds. I was so upset that I swallowed the whole thing without even chewing.

In An Antique Armoire That I Stole – I once broke into a man’s house and stole an armoire from his bedroom because I thought he had stolen an armoire from me two weeks prior. When I brought his armoire home, I found a sparkling Faberge Egg nestled between some shirts. It was a brilliant golden hue with sapphires lining the edges in a fanning-out sort of pattern. Even better, I found my original armoire in my basement, so it turns out it was never stolen to begin with.

In A Bird’s Nest That I Found While Retrieving A Frisbee – I worked for a time as a groundskeeper at a small college so that I could observe my future victims up close. Most of my time was spent scampering up trees like a squirrel in order to retrieve Frisbees and hacky sacks that got stuck in trees. One day as I was doing my daily tree scampering, I found a bird’s nest that had two normal bid eggs and one Faberge Egg. I decided not to disturb the nest because I didn’t want to agitate what was clearly a very rich and fancy momma bird.

In A Carton Of Normal Eggs – This might be the strangest of all. I bought a carton of eggs from my favorite dairy store, Uncle Nicki’s New Age Cheese Store Hat Store Emporium. I brought the carton of eggs home and found a Faberge Egg inside, but the strange part was that the carton had a sticker on it that said, “Contains No Faberge Eggs,” so I was expecting there to be zero Faberge Eggs in the carton. This Faberge Egg was pink with pearls dotting the outside, and was probably the least fancy one that I’ve ever found.

Inside Another Faberge Egg – I was riding my bike with one of the Faberge Eggs that I found when I dropped it on the ground, shattering the magnificent work of art to pieces. Among the pieces was a completely different, smaller Faberge Egg that was even more beautiful than the one it came from. I quickly smashed all the other Faberge Eggs to see what was inside them, but all of the others were filled with fiberglass insulation. I now carry my teeny-tiny Faberge Egg with me everywhere I go. It makes me feel like a big fancy bird.


Written by J. S. Wydra

DISCLAIMER: Circus Killer News is a faux news blog. None of the stories on this site should be taken seriously or literally.


Every Sunday, millions of Americans flock to holy sites across the country to pray, sing songs, worship heroes, and pay fourteen dollars for a hotdog. It sounds a lot like church, but actually it’s a sport called “football,” and it’s as popular in America as Dooganwibble is in Great Britain.

Football has an interesting history that uncles across the United States know too much about. It started in the Depression Era when Americans needed a distraction from the woes of having to eat people’s shoes in order to survive. Impoverished hunks would saw off the foot of an unsuspecting stranger and then run through the streets with it until it was safe to remove the foot and boil the shoe. Police officers couldn’t afford bullets in those days, so they would tackle the foot thieves to the ground in order to stop them. Football evolved out of this tradition.

The game has changed a lot since its early days. Football is now played with an oblong leather ball called a “football.” The players of this sport are called “players,” and they play on a field that is a called a “football field.” Players have to get the ball into a zone at the end of the field, which is a region called the “end zone.”

Some of those terms might be a little too convoluted to understand, but the team names are far more memorable. Falcons, Seahawks, Eagles, Ravens, Cardinals… these are all the names of birds that have attacked me at a public swimming pool, but they are also the names of some of the teams that play this exciting sport. Some football teams have controversial names, such as the Redskins, which is a derogatory term for indigenous people; the Patriots, which is a derogatory term for Trump supporters; the Cowboys, which is a derogatory term for young men who lactate uncontrollably. Today’s politically correct culture has caused football viewership to decrease because of these offensive names, and now the games have been heavily censored.

Football is a dangerous sport, and players often sustain lifelong injuries by the end of their careers. This is what makes football so interesting, and the people in charge of the game have experimented with ways to bring even more harm to the players. There has been talk of installing landmines, sharks, cigarettes, and other dangerous elements into football fields across the country in order to make the game more exciting. Of course, the players are still cared for. All players injuries are healed at the end of each game by dunking them into a tub of a magical glowing liquid called “Gatorade,” which heals them almost instantly.

Football is as American as apple pie, coca-cola, or displacing a native population, and since the United States will exist until the end of time, so too will this wondrous and exciting sport.


Written by J. S. Wydra

DISCLAIMER: Circus Killer News is a faux news blog. None of the stories on this site should be taken seriously or literally.

KILLER ADVICE: What Should I Do With All The Bones That I Keep Finding On My Property?

You’re reading ‘Killer Advice,’ a weekly advice column managed by the staff of Circus Killer News. Killer Advice was recently awarded “Best Advice Ever Given” by 9 out of 10 people who had a knife held to their throat.


This week’s question comes to us from Silas Guzman, an electrician from Sable Doux, Wisconsin. He writes…

“Dear Circus Killer News,
I recently started digging a hole in my backyard so that I could reach China and get authentic Chinese food right on my own property, but when I got just two feet deep on my first hole, I found a human skeleton. I started digging another hole on another spot on my property, and there was a skeleton in that hole, too. I tried digging a hole to China eight more times, and each time I found a different human skeleton. Now I have thousands of bones, but I have no idea what to do with them. Can you think of anyway that these bones would be useful?”


Silas, you hit the jackpot. There are so many uses for bones that it’s actually going to be difficult to fit them all into this post. Most of the problems that average Americans face on a daily basis is not having enough bones, so if you play this right, you could be living like a king for the rest of your life.

Before detailing the many uses for bones, however, we have to caution against doing anything with them without knowing where they came from. It’s entirely possible that your home is built on top of a Native American burial ground, and messing around with those bones could lead to a serious poltergeist infestation. You could also wind up with a haunting if the skeletons belong to anyone who was murdered, especially if they were murdered by a clown. Check to make sure none of the funny bones are missing.

One of the ways you could use these bones, Silas, is by putting them out as Halloween decorations. Even if it weren’t that time of year, it’s always a good idea to have skeletons littering your lawn to scare off trespassers. You could also glue different bones together to create a massive bone monster to prop up on your lawn, which would serve the same purpose.

You could also substitute all those bones in your cooking. Bones are an excellent source of calcium, and if you can grind them up into a fine powder then you can mix them in your drinks and your food. You’ll strengthen your immune system significantly, and if you consume enough human bones then you can actually stop yourself from aging. The only negative side to eating human bones is that you might get psychic visions of the person whose bones you’re eating, which can be very annoying.

The last usage we’ll leave you with is the most obvious one; get those bones surgically implanted into your body. The more bones you have, the healthier and stronger you are. Everyone will be able to see the dozens of extra bones beneath your stretched out skin and they will think you are the mightiest person ever.

We hope this helps, Silas, and if it doesn’t then please sell us all of your bones.


Written by J. S. Wydra

DISCLAIMER: Circus Killer News is a faux news blog. None of the stories on this site should be taken seriously or literally.

Republicans Trapped Aboard Sinking Ship

Tragedy struck American politics today when dozens of GOP representatives found themselves stuck on a sinking ship in the Atlantic Ocean. The politicians were at sea celebrating the Kavanaugh vote when a mechanical failure caused it take on water.

The ship itself is a yacht called “American Values,” and is a time-share owned by a handful of key GOP players. Mitch McConnell, for example, often uses the yacht to visit his mother who is a sea turtle. Ted Cruz uses it to get away from reflective surfaces, and Lindsey Graham uses it as a private area to practice shouting. The ship is mostly used as a place where Republican politicians can have some alone time with their female assistants in an environment that is both discrete and inescapable.

Several members of the Democratic Party as well as longtime contributors to Republican PACs have launched their own yachts to assist any GOP representatives looking to jump ship, but many key Republicans either seem to be willing to go down with the ship, or are denying that the ship is sinking. Republicans in charge of the yacht have refused to assist other sinking ships in the past, so many of the sinking Republicans don’t believe that the assistance from other politicians is genuine. One of the Democratic yachts, which is called “Progress,” was one of the first on the scene, but the Republicans say that they cannot board Progress because it’s moving too fast.

As of now, no one knows what caused American Values to become a sinking ship, but experts believe it is due to neglect. GOP congressmen recently started investing in a different time-share yacht called ‘Wealth & Pride,” and by focusing their time and resources to maintaining this second yacht, they have inadvertently let the quality of American Values slowly deteriorate. No one wants to see American Values sink, however, and rumor has it that the Democratic yacht Progress might be the only thing that can tow it back to safety.


Written by J. S. Wydra

DISCLAIMER: Circus Killer News is a faux news blog. None of the stories on this site should be taken seriously or literally.

Area Man On Every Prank Show

Massachusetts local Jeffrey Haines is reportedly on the brink of insanity after discovering that various prank shows have been controlling almost every facet of his life. Jeffrey first became suspicious when he appeared on a hidden camera magic show last week.

“I performed this trick where I turn a sandwich into a piglet,” said TV magician Alex Landry. “Basically I go into a sandwich restaurant and make their bacon sandwiches come back to life. I did it to Jeffrey and he was shocked at first, then I explained that he was on a hidden camera show and he started laughing.”

Jeffrey reportedly enjoyed this little bit of fun, but that very same day Jeffrey accidentally wandered onto the set of a completely different hidden camera prank show called “Total Fakeout.”

“Basically we just take over small businesses and mess with people,” said Moira Jimenez, producer of Total Fakeout. “The week that Jeffrey was on we took over a car wash and pretended like we destroyed people’s cars.”

Jeffrey dropped his car off at the car wash, then he went to the sandwich place where he got pranked on the magic show, and when he returned, he found that his car had been destroyed by an internal fire. After getting his initial reaction on camera, the producers of Total Fakeout revealed that it was all just a prank and that his car was fine. After appearing on two prank shows in a row, Jeffrey became uneasy.

Several days later, Jeffrey’s wife of five years sat him down to explain that their marriage had been part of “’Til Ugly Do Us Part,” a hidden camera prank show where paid actors marry unattractive people and see how long it takes for them to find out that the love they share isn’t real. She also revealed that the kids they had together were paid actors as well.

Jeffrey was devastated this morning when he was informed by his doctor that he had terminal cancer and would die in six months, and then somehow even more devastated when his doctor turned out to be an actor on a prank show where fake doctors tell people that they’re going to die.

Jeffrey is reportedly seeking legal action, but he is unaware that every attorney that he’s contacted so far is a paid actor for a hidden camera prank show called “Blind Justice,” where the lawyer pretends to be blind and spills hot liquids all over the client.


Written by J. S. Wydra

DISCLAIMER: Circus Killer News is a faux news blog. None of the stories on this site should be taken seriously or literally.

The 5 Most Venomous Creatures On The Planet

Humans have been at war with nature since the beginning of time. Fortunately we’re winning right now, but nature has produced some pretty deadly creatures to fight us off. One of the most effective ways that nature is trying to eradicate us is through venoms and poisons. Here are 5 venomous creatures to watch out for.


Brown-Tailed Horn Spider – This deadly eight-legged menace, native to the Australian continent, pounces on its prey and injects a fast-acting venom that causes immense gastric distress. Normally the spider is harmless, but if you insult its mother, or laugh at its brown tail, or do anything else to offend it, then it will come at you hard and it won’t quit until its venom is in your bloodstream so that it can watch you die in flatulent agony.

Pentagonback Rattlesnake – A cousin to the diamondback rattlesnake, this deadly creature was created by a mad scientist and then released into major cities all across the world. Its venom won’t make you sick, but it forces your brain to release chemicals that make you feel lonely and insecure.

Baby Rabbits – All newborn rabbits are the most venomous creatures on Earth. Their cuteness is a way of luring in their prey, but once you’re close enough to cuddle, they attack and inject you with a fatal venom that kills in seconds. Fortunately all the venom is secreted out of their long, fluffy ears by the time they reach two weeks old, but rabbits never lose that vicious killer instinct.

Atheists – These sickening creatures are most commonly found in suburban basements, but there’s always danger whenever they creep up to the surface world and invade a local population. Atheists have a venom sack in their neck that squirts out a secular poison, which seeps into your brain and alters its alpha orbital gyrus waves, causing you to lose all sense of logic and reason. Because of how dangerous they are, most states don’t even allow atheists as pets anymore.

Squimbly Squmbulpus – The squimbly squmbulpus is a rare figglesnake from the slumbumbering forest. It oozes it’s bright green floopgoo onto any unsuspecting wanglenaughts and blubbuses that wander too close to the gankos tree that it calls home. Only fleepcream from the malorplorp crevasse can counteract the squimbly squmbulpus floopgoo. This is really only a concern for fictional creatures.


Written by J. S. Wydra

DISCLAIMER: Circus Killer News is a faux news blog. None of the stories on this site should be taken seriously or literally.