14 Little Known Behind-The-Scenes Facts About “Game of Thrones”

HBO’s hit series “Game of Thrones” has returned for its seventh season to the delight of everyone around the world except for that one friend of yours who is always quick to tell people that he has no plans on ever watching it. But what is it like on the set of this fantasy masterpiece that has taken the internet by storm and inspired vapid world leaders to think walls do anything? We sent one of our reporters to find out. Check out these 14 facts about the show you didn’t know.


1. The actor who plays Samwell Tarly eats 30 hotdogs every morning just to stay out of shape.

2. As a show of devotion, Liam Cunningham cut off his fingers in the middle of his audition for the part of Ser Davos Seaworth.

3. One of the dragons on the show is transgender.

4. More people have died on set than characters have died on the show.

5. The actor who played Grand Maester Pycelle refused to wear anything beneath his robes.

6. The “Iron Throne” was constructed by melting down thousands of spatulas, not swords.

7. Every actor who has played “The Mountain” has had to eat the previous actor who played him.

8. Emilia Clarke was cast as Daenerys Targaryen because she has in fact given birth to lizards.

9. The Wall is not CG. It took three gaffers on the show four thousand years to construct it.

10. Michelle Fairley’s throat really was cut open during the “Red Wedding.” The producers didn’t tell her it was coming so that her reaction would be authentic.

11. Each of the seven kingdoms is filmed on a different continent. Everything east of the “Narrow Sea” was filmed on another planet.

12. The gilded prosthetic hand worn by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau has a rich chocolaty center.

13. The actors who play the Wight Walkers are kept in a frozen meat locker when they’re not shooting.

14. The original opening credits theme song had lyrics that just described how amazing Peter Dinklage is.


Written by J. S. Wydra: @jswydra
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Trump Signs ‘Trump Immunity’ Executive Order

Earlier today the President signed a controversial executive order known as the “Trump Immunity” order, which grants Trump and his family full immunity from any legal charges whatsoever. The order comes in response to the FBI investigation of Trump’s Russia connections.

Experts and lawmakers have come forward questioning the validity of the order, which Trump composed himself using crayons and the back of an adult color book prescribed by his anger management coach. The order is difficult to read, but from what legislators can make out it appears to exonerate anyone with the last name “Trump” for any past, present, or future crimes, and that anyone who tries to contest this will legally be declared a loser.

From the way the executive order is worded, pardons have also been granted to Trump’s family. This came as a shock to many political strategists who assumed Trump would instead legalize the actions of his family. Melania Trump, for example, married her husband and moved to America to escape being hunted in Slovenia like the other vampires. Many of her kind in the US voted for Trump thinking he would do everything he could to legalize vampirism, but instead he signed the Trump Immunity order to pardon his wife’s affliction. The pardon also forgives Eric Trump’s serial murders and Donald Trump Jr.’s various crimes against fashion.

Trump supporters across the country have been defending the order, saying the President deserves to be above the laws of mortal man anyway. White House staffers have denied the rumors that Trump only ran for office to dole out presidential pardons to himself and his family, but have confirmed the rumors that they will all soon be getting pardons as well.


Written by J. S. Wydra: @jswydra
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13 Ways To Protect Your Home From Intruders

This article is written in part by supporters of Circus Killer News. Click this link to find out how you can become a contributor too. Fan contributions are written in magenta. 


With the second American Civil War around the corner, personal safety is more paramount than ever. There are many different ways to protect your home from intruders, but none have been proven more successful than the following thirteen.


1. Smash all the windows in your home from the outside so it looks like you’ve already been robbed. All the thieves in your neighborhood will assume there’s no more good stuff to steal.

2. Have plans and traps in place to “Home Alone” the shit out of anyone who breaks in.

3. Keep all your valuables on your lawn. No one can steal your belongings by breaking into your home if you have no belongings inside your home.

4. Paint what appears to be the inside of your house on the outside of your door. To the common thief it will appear as though your front door is wide open, and they’ll charge headfirst into a closed door, knocking them unconscious.

5. Have a local wizard cast a protection spell around your home.

6. Seal all your doors and windows with cement. Nobody can enter your home if there’s no way in.

7. Construct a border wall around your property to guarantee that thieves can only cross into your lands legally.

8. Replace your front door with a cardboard cutout of Vin Diesel.

9. Replace your back door with a cardboard cutout of Dwayne Johnson.

10. Replace your windows with several Danny DeVitos. 

11. Sell your home and live out your days on a boat. Merthieves are much easier to fend off than land-thieves.

12. Take all the extra money you have from not having your home broken into and use it to buy a private security force.

13. Guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns guns.


Written by J. S. Wydra: @jswydra
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SPECIAL REPORT: Video Game Violence

As violence increases in America, so has the prevalence of violent video games. When video games first became popular they featured simple, relatable stories such as rescuing your girlfriend from a giant ape or trying to eat ghosts, but modern-day video games put the player in control of morally corrupt characters like professional assassins, habitual drug users, and non-married women. In the video games of the past, players completed objectives and defeated enemies by jumping or running. In the video games of today, players must shoot, stab, punch, steal, and sex their way to victory. Should we be bothered by this trend, and fear the video games of the future? What effect do violent video games have on our children? Have we finally found the perfect scapegoat for shitty parenting?

Many who play video games say there is no evidence to suggest that video games have an effect on their temperament, however some of history’s worst eggs were gamers. Genghis Khan famously loved his Nintendo Game Boy so much that he was buried with it. Lee Harvey Oswald practiced his shooting abilities in “Big Buck Hunter II” before the Kennedy assassination, and there is mounting evidence to suggest that Jack the Ripper had the high score on a local tavern’s arcade version of “Cruis’n Exotica.” Does this mean that all gamers are destined for violence?

“I don’t know if they’re destined for violence, but they’re certainly trained for it,” says former gamer Tyson Rich. Tyson was part of an “esports” team; a group of gamers who compete against other teams for titles, prizes, and the chance to have a girlfriend.

Tyson specialized in a game called “Brothers of Combat IV: Armed Warfare: The Blood Reckoning,” a popular “first-person shooter.” He says his unorthodox training made him into a more violent person.

“Our coach wanted us to be ruthless, to be emotionless gaming machines,” says Tyson. “He had us dress up like our avatars, go out into the wild, and shoot baby animals so that we would learn to never hold back. We had to break bricks with our fingers to learn how to properly use a keyboard or controller. We were forced to drink yellow Powerade because that was one of our sponsors, and yellow’s the worst one. It was torture.”

Clearly video games have a negative effect on competitive players, but how about amateurs? A recent study conducted by the Guild of Outraged Parents found that 97% of young gamers are too antisocial and aren’t going outside often enough.

“When I was my son’s age I spent my afternoons hanging out with the other boys in the neighborhood, playing sports, and actively suppressing my bisexuality,” says area father Dale Brenning. “Now my son spends all day on his computer, chatting with his ‘online friends,’ playing ‘God Knows What,’ which is the name of a video game he plays where you have to find ways to outsmart God. It’s despicable.”

So what’s the solution to the violent video game problem? Who’s to blame when a gamer does something awful? The Guild of Outraged Parents says it’s the fault of the developers.

“I know my child would never hurt another person,” says Margaret Tribene, a member of the GOP. “Whenever my son hits another child or yells at his teacher, video game developers should be punished, not my son. His bad behavior is due to his exposure to video game violence, and his good behavior is due to my parenting.”

The debate over violent video games will likely rage on for generations to come, but most Americans agree that violence in America will not end until the government takes our video games away.


Written by J. S. Wydra: @jswydra

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Truck Driving Creep Uses Ice Cream To Attract Children

Several families in the town of Redacker, Pennsylvania have expressed concern over sightings of an identified man in a strange-looking truck driving through neighborhoods and attempting to lure children to him. The man blasts creepy nursery rhymes over a speaker system to draw the children in.

“It’s very concerning,” said area mother Miri Virashti. “I always thought this was a safe neighborhood because of all the gun owners in the area, but now I’m not so sure.”

The unknown driver, who was described by eye witnesses as exceedingly unemployable, has adorned the sides of his truck with images of ice cream to attract children. A local auto-mechanic claims that the vehicle’s odd shape indicates that it is refrigerated, which further terrifies local parents.

“What does this strange man want with our kids?” asked Miri. “I mean, you let your mind wander just thinking about it, and it’s sick. He might be trying to make our kids catch a cold or something.”

So far no children have been abducted, but there were a few close calls. Eight year old Becca Wallace says she got close enough to talk to the driver.

“He was nice, he said he would give me ice cream if I gave him three dollars,” says Becca Wallace. “I said ‘no’ because even I know that’s a rip-off.”

There have been reports across the country of similar trucks stalking suburban neighborhoods since the 1950s, but most believe they’re just an urban legend, like Bigfoot or the female orgasm. Tales of the refrigerated truck driver have brought conspiracy theorists to Redacker.

“Some of us say the frozen truck driver is a ghost,” says conspiracy theorist Chuck Balding, who in fact isn’t. “Some say the driver is a serial killer, as was every driver before him, and they’ve been passing down the keys to that truck ever generation. I personally think there’s a network of them, all across the country, coordinating attacks against lactose intolerant kids.”

The mayor of Redacker has issued an official warning stating that anyone playing children’s songs or eating ice cream in public could be subject to an immediate arrest.


Written by J. S. Wydra: @jswydra

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12 Tips For Exceptional Dental Hygiene

Taking care of your teeth is a lot like living in a storage unit after your wife leaves you for your younger brother; nobody wants to do it, but it’s something we all have to go through. Brushing and flossing is easy once you get into the routine, but if you’re like most Americans, you don’t have time to clean your teeth because you’re too busy cleaning your guns. If you’re falling behind on your dental hygiene then check out these 12 tips on how to get back into it.


1. Go to sleep each night with leeches covering your teeth. They’ll suck out the bacteria and leave your mouth fresh with the stench of death each morning.

2. You can protect your teeth by coating them with insulation before each meal.

3. Avoid eating.

4. Preemptively get rid of your cavities by injecting hot metal into your teeth, or however that works.

5. Use a stick instead of a toothbrush. Nature is always healthy.

6. Construct an army of highly advanced nanobots that use lasers to blast away any plaque or tartar that might be building up in those hard-to-reach crevasses.

7. At the end of every day, pull out each of your teeth individually, and rigorously polish them. Then simply superglue them back in before going to sleep.

8. Coffee, tea, soda, and other drinks that give you energy are all bad for your teeth. Avoid them altogether and use less harmful cocaine for your morning stimulant.

9. Have all your teeth replaced with pearls. You won’t need to maintain them anymore and you’ll always look like a princess.

10. Date a dental hygienist to get free work done every week. There’s nothing more romantic than being poked with needles and then asked to spit.

11. Use uranium-enriched floss. Bacteria cannot survive in an irradiated environment.

12. Chewing gum can actually be good for your teeth. Chocolate can be good for your teeth as well, but it’s the sugar in both that do the real harm. Tell yourself little lies like this to free yourself of any guilt.


Written by J. S. Wydra: @jswydra
Additional, unrelated news: @actlnews

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It is said that a man can command a room with his facial hair. Because of men like Jesus Christ, Abraham Lincoln, and Borat, history has been peppered with an eclectic mix of glorious beards and ‘staches. But why is it, exactly, that the facially endowed seem destined for greatness? What is the mysterious power behind magnificent facial hair, and is there a way to control it?

Circus Killer News special reporter Fatima Azzraf spoke with Caleb Cho, Head Curator at the National Museum of Beards and Moustaches in Washington D.C.

“America has a rich history of bearded and mustachioed men,” said Caleb. “Every good President the U.S. has ever had wore some kind of facial hair, even if it was temporarily out of fashion.”

Fatima was shown a display that held Ronald Reagan’s secret moustache.

“Reagan only wore this when no one was looking. As you can see from the charring around the edges it was once set on fire. This was done in a deliberate attack by the democratic party who was as the time seeking to snuff out the President’s vitality. Most of the moustache was saved, but they burned enough that it affected Reagan’s cognitive abilities. It was after this event that his dementia started.”

The museum displays the facial hair of other American greats, including Martin Van Buren’s sideburns, John Philip Sousa’s moustache, and Cesar Romero’s eyebrows.

“We’re very proud of our collection,” said Caleb. “This is undoubtedly the most erotic job I’ve ever had, and I once worked at a gun store that was next to a Hooters.”

Facial hair has always held power in Western culture, but how about other areas of the world? We sent Fatima to a Tibetan monastery where a group of monks claim to have unlocked the secret power of facial hair. The monks believe that beards and moustaches are a direct reflection of a man’s lifeforce, and that men can lengthen their lives by lengthening their locks.

“We spend our days growing our beards and pointy moustaches to strengthen our qi,” says Shui Fey, a monk who claims to have reached the age of 236 thanks to his fourteen-foot long beard. “We practice moving bricks with them, fighting each other with them, and tying them around tree branches so we can swing around in the wind while high-fiving each other. It strengthens our hair, and that strengthens our lifeforce.”

We then sent Fatima to the other side of the world where she met an Amazon tribe who hunt with their facial hair. Men journey into forests with nothing more than their beards and must strangle animals with them. In this tribe, a boy is not considered a man until he suffocates a jaguar with his lip hair.

With so many cultures around the world using the power of facial hair, the question must be asked: why does this power only exist in men? Is there a way for women to utilize facial hair as well? Jillian Tacoma, of Reddingham, Iowa, says “yes.”

“I didn’t believe my life would get better at first,” said Jillian to Fatima, “but it certainly did. My beard is the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

Jillian has been living her life as a “bearded lady” for over twelve years now. Her chin hair is not fake and she doesn’t use hormone treatments, rather Jillian’s thick, full beard came in one day after she was bitten by a radioactive Italian guy.

“My life before my beard was honestly very sad. I was a spinster who took pleasure in talking to strangers while vacationing alone. I used to eat frozen dinners and blog about HGTV and get laughed at whenever I wore a dress. But now, whenever I have something to say, people listen. People are drawn to me now and they don’t think it’s weird of me to send food back at restaurants. Yesterday I got a bank loan approved that I didn’t even apply for, all because of this,” she said while combing her luscious beard.

Jillian was asked if she recommends facial hair to more women.

“Honestly, you don’t need it,” she said. “The way I get treated now is the same way my sister has been treated all her life, so if you want to learn anything from her, then just try to be blond and have large, amazing breasts.”

We might never be able to unlock the full potential of facial hair like the Tibetan monks, the Amazon tribes, or Tom Selleck, but its effect on people is as undeniable as it is deeply sexual.


Written by J. S. Wydra: @jswydra

Additional, unrelated news: @actlnews

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Millennial Living At Home With Parents Hiding Secret Second Family

Thom and Dana Corrigan of Celroy, Massachusetts, were shocked to discover this past Monday that their 24-year-old son Josh had been hiding a secret second family from them for nearly three years. Josh has been living with Thom and Dana since graduating college two years ago.

What surprised Thom and Dana the most, however, is that the family their son was seeing in secret consisted of Josh and a different married couple Thom and Dana’s age. Psychologist Marianna Quinn commented on the matter.

“In most cases of secret families you have a man, typically a man of influence, who falls out of love with his spouse and in love with someone else. Instead of leaving his spouse he starts a new life with his new love, often in a different town and under a different name. And then of course the original spouse finds out she burns down the childhood home of that bitch who ruined her life but makes sure she’s somewhere public when it all goes down so she has a solid alibi… but anyway, the case of Josh Corrigan is different because he didn’t start a new family. He just latched onto a different one.”

Thom and Dana were under the impression that their son Josh had a part time job; he would play video games during the day, and then leave for his job at night. In truth, Josh had no part time job. At night he would instead go to the home of empty nesters Riley and Shauna Levinson and continue playing video games at their house.

“Our son Daniel was in a car accident three years ago,” said Shauna. “One day Josh came to our door and told us that he was Daniel, but that the accident rearranged his face so he looked different now. We had no reason not to believe him.”

In truth, Josh and Daniel had planned this stunt together while the two met as roommates in college. Josh confessed to Daniel that he had no aspirations in life, and Daniel was sick of his parents taking care of him. The two faked a car accident so that Josh could assume Daniel’s sheltered life, and Daniel could move across the country to become more independent.

The two were finally caught when Shauna Levinson caught Josh eating a burger.

“My son Daniel would never eat red meat,” said Shauna. “He’s too afraid of that mad cow disease. I’m not sure what really gave it away, but it was definitely either the burger or the fact that Josh would constantly hit on me.”

Josh has been charged with identify fraud, and Daniel has been charged with aiding and abetting. Their life’s story is currently being adapted into a comedy movie that probably stars Ryan Reynolds and some nerd.


Written by J. S. Wydra: @jswydra
Additional, unrelated news: @actlnews

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12 Ways To Trick People Into Thinking You’re Cool

Everyone wants to be cool, but like money or a good head of hair, coolness is impossible to obtain unless you’re born with it. Fortunately people are idiots, so tricking them into thinking you’re a cool person isn’t all that difficult. Just make sure that you follow these simple tips.


1. Fashion is a primary indicator of coolness, and it’s always changing. Try to keep up with the latest fashion trends by watching teenagers from behind a bush.

2. Protesting is really in right now, so pretend like you care about something other than yourself.

3. Tattoos are only cool if you have only one and it’s of a bird or a triangle or something. Never get a tattoo that people have to read. Reading is for dorks.

4. The type of phone you use says a lot about how cool you are. iPhones are the coolest, but keep in mind that your next phone can only be an iPhone if your current phone is an iPhone. That’s how cool they are.

5. Feign bisexuality.

6. Choose your career wisely. Right now the coolest professions are actor, sex worker, and YouTube vlogger, while the most un-cool professions are reporter, President, and comedy blogger.

7. Be in a band, but only as a hobby.

8. The nerdy things of the past have become the cool things of the present, i.e. superheroes and video games. Get a leg-up on the cool things of the future by hoarding the nerdy things of now, i.e. Facebook accounts and anything from Japan.

9. Start familiarizing yourself with music performed by people who wear things that can’t legally be considered clothing.

10. Make up words that have no meaning, but say it with enough confidence that people want to copy you. It’s the best way to flipshop your bumskibibble.

11. Elective dietary restrictions are really cool right now. Pick a delicious thing and make up a reason for why you can’t have it.

12. Vape.


Written by J. S. Wydra: @jswydra
Additional, unrelated news: @actlnews

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DISCLAIMER: Circus Killer News is a faux news blog. None of the stories on this site should be taken seriously or literally.

SPECIAL REPORT: Fidget Spinners

You’ll find them at the counter of every store, in the garbage of every public school, and among the possessions of every cool teenager. No, they’re not condoms, they’re called “fidget spinners,” and, like becoming aroused while you’re sleeping, they are an overnight sensation. But what exactly is a fidget spinner? How do they work? Where do they come from? What are they made of? Is there a way to make money off of them? Do we really have time to answer all of these questions?

To answer some of these questions, Circus Killer News sent investigative reporter Ronaldo Odlanor to speak with Dr. Percy LaDarque, a professor of Trinket Studies at the University of Somewhere.

“They’re just starting to catch on now, but fidget spinners have a long history,” said Professor LaDarque. “They first appeared in Ancient Greece around the year 410 B.C.E. Young boys would have to spin their fidget spinners for one complete day to prove that they were men. Then they would gift them to girls they wanted to marry to symbolize ceaseless love.”

LaDarque points out that in many ways, this ritual still exists today.

“The Ancient Greeks believed that the human heart itself was a fidget spinner,” continued LaDarque. “When a person dies, that meant their heartspinner stopped spinning. When a person was rude or callous, that meant their heartspinner was wobbly, perhaps because it had been dropped too many times.”

But just who is it that makes fidget spinners? This is where LaDarque is in the dark.

“I can tell you that our ancestors made their fidget spinners out of hardened dung, straw, and a virgin’s saliva. I’m not sure who makes them now, however. That’s one of the greatest mysteries of modern times as far as I’m concerned.”

Strangely enough, the packages in which fidget spinners are kept before being sold have no familiar company labels. In fact, aside from all the text appearing in English, there’s nothing on the package that would suggest that fidget spinners come from any earthly source. Is it possible, then, that fidget spinners are not made by earthly means? Could they not have originated on this planet at all?

Jim Helvetico, a professional conspiracy theorist and finisher of “Phat Mike’s 30-inch Pizza Explosion,” thinks that fidget spinners might literally be out of this world. He claims that fidget spinners were given to us by a race of alien beings.

“There’s no way that our ancestors could have crafted fidget spinners using the tools that they had,” said Jim while clipping his toenails in the middle of the interview. “Back when we were first evolving we were visited by beings from another world. They helped us in our development by giving us things like tools, agriculture, weed, mixed martial arts, non-stick pots and pans, hats with cup holders, alligator meat, raisinets, and yes, fidget spinners.”

But why would an ancient alien race visit Earth just to deliver fidget technology? Jim claims he has the answer.

“You have to understand that this was all technology that they didn’t want. And we gave them sex slaves in return. This was an intergalactic garage sale, maybe the first one to have ever taken place.”

Jim has faced some criticism for his theory, but he believes it checks out.

“I’m not saying that all fidget spinners come from space,” he said, “I’m just saying the people who make them are controlled by a race of squid-like ice demons who live in space.”

 There are many unanswered questions about fidget spinners, but if there are two things that can be said about them with absolute certainty it’s that they’re not going anywhere, and that they are probably not a sex thing.


Written by J. S. Wydra: @jswydra
Additional, unrelated news: @actlnews

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